Cycling Without Age - Wheelchair Trishaw Campaign

New Hope Community Bikes is a cycling education charity that seeks to provide affordable access to bicycles and educational resources. We teach children how to ride bikes, mentor youth in bicycle repairs, educate adults on maintaining and repairing their bicycles, reaching into remote Indigenous Communities with cycling resources and programs, and support mobility and cycling among seniors. We are excited to be the sponsoring organization for Hamilton and Burlington’s Cycling Without Age and look forward to the expansion of partnerships that will see even more seniors be able to access this amazing program!

“The Right To Wind In Their Hair”

Help us provide access to cycling, nature, and overall movement with the purchase of a wheelchair-specific Trishaw.

The Cycling Without Age chapter in Hamilton and Burlington is seeking to expand their fleet of Trishaws serving vulnerable seniors by purchasing one that allows a wheelchair to roll directly onto the bike and be fastened in - no transfer needed. This is HUGE for seniors who have limited mobility by way of a wheelchair, offering them a means of participating in the Cycling Without Age program.

I was providing a ride to a married couple where the husband had dementia and was non-verbal. After the ride I asked if they enjoyed themselves to which the man replied, “thank you”. The wife began to cry, I cried, we all cried tears of joy.
— CWA Pilot